Hello There!
I guess this is where I introduce myself. My name is Hannah and I am a maker addict. I love creating.... with just about anything. Gardening, sewing, fibers, clay, legos... I am a Momma to twin boys. So the legos happens quit a bit.
I started sewing when I was about 3 years old. My Grandmother put me on a stack of phone books at her machine (which I know have in my home) so I could mend holes in wash cloths for the thrift store. That is where my love of making began.
Creating and making have always been in my life in some way or another. I have always had a little space or studio in our home where I can putter and craft. I feel so blessed to be able to share my love and the freedom of creativity with my boys. And trust me, they have their little hands in everything HAHAHA.
Now days instead of a sewing machine and phone books ( I do sew still every now and then. I have quite the stack of WIP's) I have two tiny humans playing with clay and painting with me in the studio.